Youth Entity Platforms
In order to provide designated space for different types of youth entities/organisations by scope of work (grassroots/local, national, regional and international) in the coordination structures the UN MGCY has launched different youth entity platforms. This effort seeks to continue to enhance the diversity of 'types of entities/organisations' that engage in the work of the UN MGCY. They engage in all avenues in the UN system through the respective constituencies and engagement modalities. Grassroots/Local Communities is also a formal ‘stakeholder/constituency group’ recognised in the UN, and will also engage as such.
In addition the UN MGCY has also initiated two platforms- 1) for ECOSOC accredited youth organisations and 2) youth mechanisms of UNGA observers in order to provide dedicated space for youth entities as related to their standing in the UN
It provides a dedicated universal space to coordinate and facilitate meaningful engagement of formal and informal grassroots/local level youth structures to engage in processes and avenues across the pillars and organs of the UN through existing modalities. LEARN MORE
It provides a dedicated universal space to coordinate and facilitate meaningful engagement of formal and informal national level youth structures to engage in processes and avenues across the pillars and organs of the UN through existing modalities. LEARN MORE
It is a Global Platform/Network for Regional Youth Entities to Engage in the UN. It provides a dedicated universal space to coordinate and facilitate meaningful engagement of international youth entities in the UN across its pillars and organs through existing modalities. LEARN MORE
The Platform serves as a dedicated space for youth engagement mechanisms associated with UNGA observers. The Platform’s purpose is to help amplify advocacy positions and enhance outreach efforts of UNMGCY and also ensure that perspectives of youth mechanisms of UNGA observers are reflected within the work of UNMGCY. LEARN MORE
It is a Global Platform for International (working in more than one region) Youth Entities to Engage in the UN. It provides a dedicated universal space to coordinate and facilitate meaningful engagement of international youth entities in the UN across its pillars and organs through existing modalities. LEARN MORE
The platform serves as a dedicates space for youth led NGOs with ECOSOC accreditation, in order to better coordinate and strategically align their work. LEARN MORE