Who are we?
The Major Group for Children and Youth is the UN General Assembly-mandated and self-organised mechanism for young people to meaningfully engage in certain UN processes.
We act as a bridge between young people and the UN system in order to ensure that their right to meaningful participation is realized. We do so by engaging formal and informal communities of young people, in the design, implementation, monitoring, follow-up, and review of sustainable development policies at all levels.
We have a long history, it was created through Agenda 21 in 1992. Additionally, it receives and strengthens its mandates through several GA resolutions, bilateral agreements and/or terms of reference with specific UN entities.
What do we do?
We work on a range of issues at the global, regional national, and grassroots levels across the pillars and areas of work of the of the UN- human rights, sustainable development, and peace and security, resilience and humanitarian action and organs of the UN- general assembly (GA), economic and social council (ECOSOC), security council, and secretariat. Our areas of work include the following:
Policy and Advocacy
We facilitate the collective participation of young people in official, formal and informal avenues of policy design, implementation, monitoring, follow-up, and review at all levels.
Capacity Building
We facilitate activities for young people to enhance their understanding, knowledge, and skills in relation to sustainable development, meaningful engagement, and the UN system.
Provide young people a platform for dialogue to create an evidence base for best practices through the assessment of existing knowledge, generating new knowledge, identification of emerging issues, and effective use and dissemination.
We provide young people with a platform that encourages them to lead, join, showcase, and share innovative and effective actions addressing the needs of people and the planet.
The MGCY seeks to build a world on the collective principles of solidarity, justice, diversity, equity, universality, inclusion, human rights, and the integrity of the planet. We strive for a resilient world where young people and all rights holders in all their diversity are equals in decision making.
Brief History
The first United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992,“The Earth Summit”, recognised that achieving sustainable development would require the active participation of all sectors of society and all types of people. Agenda 21 established the Commission on Sustainable Development and formalised nine sectors, including rightsholder groups of society as the main channels through which broad participation would be facilitated in UN activities related to sustainable development. These were the nine Major Groups (women, children and youth, indigenous peoples, farmers, business and industry, labour and trade unions, science and technology, local authorities, NGOs).
Mandate and Governance
The MGCY received its primary mandates directly from general assembly resolutions and international soft law. It also has bilateral agreements and/or terms of reference with specific entities in the UN system. In terms of governance reporting, the MGCY has obligations towards its members and the UN system, some of which are enshrined in resolutions of international soft law.
In order to effectively facilitate engagement, the MGCY has working and coordination structures. These are responsible for different aspects of MGCY’s work. In addition, the MGCY has several formal mandated positions. They may be member entities or individuals nominated by member entities and have a predetermined mandate period and Terms of Reference.