Our work
The MGCY works (1, policy and advocacy, 2. capacity building, 3. knowledge, 4. action ) on a range of substantive topics at the global, regional, national and subnational levels across the three pillars of the UN- human rights, development, and peace and security.
Resilience and Humanitarian Action
Disaster Risk Reduction, Humanitarian Affairs, Refugees, Migration and Displacement, Sustainable Urban Development
Human Rights
Indigenous Peoples, Disabilities, LGBTQI+ (SOGIE), Age Based Discrimination, Children, Descent and Work Based Discrimination
Peace and Security
Youth Peace & Security, Women Peace & Security, Disarmament, Counter Terrorism, Drugs and Crime, Environmental Security
Youth Policy and Development
UN Youth Strategy, World Program of Action on Youth, Office of SG’s Envoy on Youth, UN Inter Agency Network on Youth Development
Sustainable Development
Economic, Environmental, Social Dimensions
Multilateralism, UN Reform, Various Accountability Processes, Global Economic and Environmental Governance